When you decide to move from your current residence and take up new digs, a lot goes into making this your reality instead of a fantasy. First, you’ll likely have to renovate the property you’re leaving. Next, you’ll have to spend time searching the market and locating the apartment, condo, or house you want to make your new home. If you don’t find existing properties that suit your needs and preferences or have everything you need, you may consider building a house up from the ground. With all these monumental tasks to take care of, the way you’ll pack up your furniture, clothes, and other belongings may be the last thing on your mind. However, packing your clothes in an organized way and getting them ready to go early on in the moving process can make the entire move easier—allowing you more time to focus on more significant undertakings. This guide to packing clothes for long distances can help you move like a pro.
Determine which clothes are staying or going.
Going through your wardrobe and laundry well ahead of your moving date can save you time throughout the overall moving process. Sorting and packing your clothes in advance keeps you from stressing about it at the last minute while trying to tie up any contractual or financial loose ends and work out the logistics of your move. Before moving day, separate the clothes you’ll need in your new location from those you probably won’t. If your long-distance move takes you to a different climate, clothes that suit specific weather conditions may no longer be necessary. If you own clothes you don’t wear or can’t fit into anymore, or if you have pieces you think are out of fashion, consider selling or donating them.
Pack your clothes according to where you stored them in your home.
A trick that some people attempt to use in their moving process is to leave their dressers or chests as they are instead of emptying them. Suppose the dressers or chests consist of practically weightless items like underwear, socks, or sheets. Some people leave these clothing articles inside as their furniture may still be light enough to carry and move.
Ultimately, it’s up to the individuals helping you move your belongings to determine if a piece of furniture is light enough to transport as is or if you should empty it. Most movers from a professional moving company—such as Solomon & Sons Relocation Services—will probably ask you to empty your furniture’s contents to keep it light and protect your items. To keep your clothes in order, you can still pack them according to their proper storage space. Clothing articles you’re packing from the closet can go in a box labeled ‘closet,’ for example, and you can do the same with clothes from the dresser. Solomon & Sons Relocation Services is a Florida moving company that offers custom packing services in addition to relocation and transportation services. You can receive kitchen packing, in which experienced movers will use their skills and quality materials to safely pack away your china and other delicate or fragile belongings. If you select to have full-service packing completed, you can have your entire household packed, and you’ll receive professional expertise on how to pack your clothes.
Store your clean, dry clothes in clean, dry places.
Last but not least, you’ll want to make sure that you’re packing your clean laundry in clean and dry boxes and vacuum bags. Doing so can prevent unwanted smells from forming, as it’s easy for clothes to get musty and adopt a smell from sitting too long. This step is crucial as it may take longer than you think to unpack your belongings. The last thing you’d want to do is ruin your favorite pairs of comfortable women’s pull on jeans, shorts, skirts, or blouses you purchased from a reputable, fashionable retailer. Try adding some dryer sheets to dry boxes or vacuum bags of clean clothes. Such a trick can result in a fresh, nice-smelling set of clean clothes when you sit down and begin unpacking as you settle into your new home.
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